Sunday, September 8, 2013

Story Time

The Missing Alphas

Once Upon Time Jamaa was a peace day with all these wonderful jammers. When The Phantom King started to call all the phantoms to destroy JAMAA! The Alphas and the jammers tried to help but no used.

When Liza ask the jammers to go back to their den Liza announced to make an adventure. Cosmo said, " What should it be call?" Liza was so smart she call the adventure,  "Return of the phantoms." Everyone like the idea so jammers started going to the adventures and the phantoms were gone.

Everyone was so happy that they put a big party for the alphas but the alphas didn't come. Everyone was sad and dissapointment so they try to find them but no clue. All Jammers receive a pop up about the phantoms return and they got the alphas. The jammers team up in each animal group: Koalas went to the forest, Tigers went to the caves, Wolves went to the river, and the rest just look around.

The alphas didn't have their powers so they couldn't get out. The Tigers find the alphas and they call everyone. Cosmo had his boomseed tree so all jammers grab three and launch to each phantom. Every phantom was gone exept the king every got the boomseeds and throw them and he was gone. They got the keys and free the alphas and they had the party and they had fun.

                    The End

Writer Username: Fdelgado
Produce by: Animaljam